WP receives prestigious award for being the company with the least amount of problems..
More good news for the cult island wear Walang Problema! As companies across the world gathered for this year’s World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, attendees anticipated a lot of fresh and exciting faces. Especially with the current state of the world as it is.
Embracing unlikely bedfellows
Luckily for Walang Problema, investors and policymakers seemed to be more focused on vibrant growth and technology movements happening in the US and Asia leaving Europe to feel a little left out. One of the lucky “global shapers” chosen to attend the forum’s annual meeting made a very important note on what was needed to make the most of these gatherings. They highlighted the importance of attendees embracing unlikely bedfellows and working with them to spur action. And this year’s bedfellows were probably wearing Magic Sarap boxers. One of the many new releases from the creative minds of Walang Problema that has been making waves in South East Asia since its debut earlier this year.
Innuendos Changing the way we do business
Since the beginning, Walang Problema has been using its clever marketing to bridge the gap between contrasting ideals and societal norms found in Asia and the rest of the world. Campaigns that pushed the envelope through humor and sometimes not so subtle innuendos left space for people from all places in society to share some common ground. Another plus for Walang Problema was that interconnection amongst shareholders and avoiding compartmentalization was also a reoccuring theme. And how involving all players will be the best way for solutions to have a lasting change.
No guts, no glory
It was a risk indeed to constantly test the limits of acceptable marketing slogans and company standards. However it was a risk that paid off for Walang Problema time and time again. In today’s world, the stakes are high, and investors and financiers can see the stakes are rising. Evidently progress can look a lot like those who are willing to take risks and not afraid to wear their cocks on their sleeves. Literally. And thus Walang Problema not so casually joined the ranks of top influencing companies as they received the highest recognition for the company with the least amount of problems.
Big cock energy
Stronger in fact, Walang Problema managed, and this is a first, to achieve a perfect score of zero problems. After the gracious handling of every potential scandal, its truly no surprise. We all remember the very public fallout with everyone’s favorite ex-president. And how Walang Problema walked away from the whole thing looking like a classic underdog claiming victory over the world’s biggest bully without ever breaking a sweat. And that’s no easy accomplishment!
What would Walang Problema do?
Upon receiving the award, Walang Problema C.E.O. Lau B. explained the Walang Problema breakthrough technology. Lau B., who simultaneously runs other successful businesses, promised to make this technology open source, this way other companies can make use of it. She explains, ”Whenever we face problems, we just add “walang” in front of it..” World leaders and other economic powerhouses were stunned, asking themselves.. ”Could it really be that simple?”
At the end of the ceremony, journalisst were eager to get a statement from Walang Problema CEO. When asked if she believes she can win the award again next year, she simply smiled and said “Walang Problema.”
NOTE: We declare that all the news from El Nido Times are jokes, made just with the intention of making people laugh.